Systems Consulting & Engineering

Our products and services:

Very simply, Thought provides a wide range of consulting and software engineering services. Its strengths are in full lifecycle development of complex object-oriented software solutions based on using IBM / Rational® and/or Microsoft® technologies.


In addition to providing outsourcing services, Thought has developed the following products: PET4RUP ®, Project Estimating & Tracking for the Rational Unified Process®


With its numerous industry contacts and relationships, Thought is able to provide development outsourcing for any size engagement. In addition to developing custom software, Thought is prepared to lead, teach and mentor corporate staff in state of the art development practices anywhere at anytime, online or onsite.

  • Model Driven Development (MDD®)
  • Unified Modeling Language (UML®)
  • Rational Unified Process (RUP®)

    Development Environment SaaS

    The time and effort to physically ramp up a development environment and find the tool specialists for a IT project can be daunting. Thought now provides both as a unique  interim or long term solution to your development work environment needs. We currently provide supported development environments for both the IBM/Rational and Microsoft software development platforms.

    In addition, our tool specialists are prepared to customize your development teams environment to your specific needs and provide support on demand. At the end of your engagment, we then can transfer your custom configuration and development artifacts to the next environment.

    View a sample of the SaaS tools available.


    View our customer list to see some of what we have done.

    View our history.

    Contact or call (443) 562-6482 for further details.