Systems Consulting & Engineering

Support services:

Thought provides a wide range of support options and services to meet the needs of its customers. The preferred method is online remote assistance where we see your screen and simultaneously have a voice connection to you. Either we can control the mouse and keyboard or we can just talk you through the steps necessary to resolve your issues or teach you what you need to know. Seeing the problem directly or the product being mentored on enables us to more effectively solve the problem or teach the subject.

So long as you have Internet connectivity, this is the most effective support you will ever receive. Most likely your computer is already configured for remote assistance; especially if you use a Microsoft Messenger product; we also use other solutions as needed. If you are not already setup, we will help you configure your system free of charge the first time.

Support can be provided for:

    Most Microsoft Products and OS's

    Most IBM / Rational Products


Contact or call (443) 562-6482 for further details.